I've just used "Try out container" with an test and get a predictions.csv back which contains one row.
If this CSV was empty, but contains column headers, that leads me to believe either:
- the code isn't outputting any data after the csv header,
- the container isn't receiving any inputs.
The best thing to do is use "print" logging to print out what input was passed in, and the output that will go into the predictions.csv and then view the "Logs" available after using "Try out container".
Here are the logs I see in my test container:
2024-06-04T12:22:06.280874723Z inputs=[PosixPath('/input/102_20200627234041.jpg')]
2024-06-04T12:22:06.280906778Z values={'image_uid': ['102_20200627234041'], 'level_0': ['Animalia'], 'level_0_probability': [1.0]}
2024-06-04T12:22:06.298995771Z result= image_uid level_0 ... level_5 level_5_probability
2024-06-04T12:22:06.299027604Z 0 102_20200627234041 Animalia ... NaN NaN
2024-06-04T12:22:06.299055368Z [1 rows x 13 columns]
It shows the input file and the values that will go out into the CSV. The CSV appears to match these logs.